Can You Use a Capo on the Bass Guitar? (The Truth)

Do you want to play your bass guitar in a different way? In this article, we will teach you how to use a capo on the bass guitar to achieve different sounds.

Versatility is key when it comes to creating great tracks. And when it comes to bass guitar, one of the most versatile tools in the game is the humble capo. But can you use a capo on a bass guitar? And if so, why on earth would you want to?

In this post, we’ll cover the ins and outs of using a capo on the bass guitar in the home recording studio. So grab your favorite four-stringed instrument, and let’s get to it.

Can you use a capo on the bass guitar? Yes! Although capos are primarily used on guitars, they can also be used on bass guitars. In fact, some bassists use capos regularly to achieve a higher pitch on their instrument or to play in a different key without having to relearn the fingerings for the songs they are playing.

What is a capo?

A capo is a device that is attached to the neck of a guitar at a specific fret. When used, It tightens the string, raising the pitch and allowing the player to play a different note. There are several situations in which this might be helpful, such as when a guitarist wants to perform a song in a specific key, or when trying to match the key of an existing recording.

Image Of A Man With A Bass Guitar
My favorite MIDI keyboard (at the moment):

AKAI Professional MPK Mini MK3

Can You Use a Capo on the Bass Guitar? (The Truth) | 717qmGlA7ZL. AC SL1500 | Audio Apartment
My favorite MIDI keyboard (at the moment):

AKAI Professional MPK Mini MK3

I’m loving the AKAI MPK Mini MK3 for its compact design and the range of controls. It’s one of my essential tools. The velocity-sensitive keys and MPC-style pads are great for making beats, while the thumbstick and knobs give me precise control.

How do you use a capo?

To use a capo, simply find the fret you want the capo on and then tighten the capo in place using its built-in clamp (or other mechanism). This compresses the strings against the fret, effectively shortening the length of the strings and raising their pitch.

The guitarist can then play the guitar as usual, with the capo effectively acting as a new nut (the piece at the end of the neck that holds the strings in place) at the chosen fret.

Capos come in a variety of styles and designs and can be used on any type of guitar with a standard set of frets. They are a useful tool for guitarists of all levels and can add a new level of flexibility and versatility to a home recording setup.

Image of a black capo on a guitar. Source: Alexander Hamilton, Pexels
Image of a black capo on a guitar. Source: Alexander Hamilton, Pexels

Do bassists use capos?

Although capos are primarily used on guitars, they can also be used on bass guitars. A common reason for some bassists to utilize capos on a regular basis is to perform in a higher key or a different key without having to relearn the fingerings for the songs being played.

For example, by attaching a capo to the neck of the bass at a specific fret, the bassist can raise the pitch of the strings, allowing them to play the song in a lower key without having to transpose the music.

Another situation in which a bassist might use a capo is if they are playing along with a pre-recorded track that was recorded in a different key. By using a capo, the bassist can quickly and easily adjust the pitch of their instrument to match the key of the track, allowing them to play along seamlessly.

Why is the use of capos rare on bass guitars?

Capos aren’t often required on bass guitars. Single notes, as opposed to chords, are what bassists focus on, and it’s not hard enough to play an F# (or any other fretted note) without a capo.

When you’re just playing single notes, you may easily generate the same sound by plucking the same fret on the next string up instead of forcing your fingers to do a tough five-fret jump on the bottom string. In a chord, you can’t do this since another note is using the upper string.

Some reasons why using a capo on a bass is a good idea

While capos are not as commonly used on bass guitars as they are on guitars, they can be a useful tool for bassists in certain situations.

1. Changing the key

A capo may be used with a fretted instrument if its frets are flat. We’ve established that the capo just shifts the nut’s starting position so that each fret played with it is instantly transposed up a tone. You may use a capo to immediately change the key of a song by just putting it on a different fret since it will merely make the tune sound higher.

By using a capo, the bassist can quickly and easily adjust the pitch of their instrument to match the key of the track, allowing them to play along seamlessly.

Putting a capo on the first fret is the same as tuning the strings up a semitone. You may also use a capo on the first fret to bring the instrument back to normal tuning after tuning it down a semitone. If you’re performing more than one song in various tunings, you could do this instead of switching basses, but I haven’t heard of anybody really doing this.

2. Plays the role of an impartial intermediary

While it’s true that capos are useful for re-tuning an instrument to a new key, it’s also important to remember how simple it is to play a bass line in an open position and how a capo may make it even easier to perform in higher open tunings. One further reason to use a capo is that it facilitates the playing of certain arpeggios.

As a bassist, you need to make sure the song stays put while still having a catchy tune that people can sing along to. A capo, which allows a bar to be put anywhere on the fretboard, would make this possible for a bassist in many keys.

Closeup of a bass guitar neck with the bassist playing. Source: Unsplash
Closeup of a bass guitar neck with the bassist playing. Source: Unsplash

Thirdly, they may be used to play legato runs in a key other than their own. Although tapping is most often associated with guitarists, it is also an option for bassists. A capo may serve the same purpose while playing bass. Putting on a capo brings the fingerboard into closer proximity, making it simpler to execute techniques like arpeggios, legato runs, and sweep picking.

A higher capo fret makes it easier for players of all skill levels to reach and implement these more sophisticated methods into their playing. Capo use may improve the quality of your playing regardless of whether you’re performing quick runs or slow melodies.

3. Excellent for alternate keys

Using a spider capo is one approach to get different tunings. If you’re unfamiliar, a spider capo is a kind of capo that only frets the strings you want to play rather than all of them at once. Six independently adjustable rungs on the capo allow for this.

One of the advantages of using a spider capo on the bass guitar is that it allows the string to be forced against the fretboard at an angle, creating a unique sound that is difficult to replicate with standard tuning and playing. Additionally, using a spider capo on the bass guitar can inspire creativity and lead to the creation of truly original music.

4. Useful tool for songwriters

I’m not usually a capo user, but when I first started studying songs by the aforementioned bands, I used a spider capo. Cool things can be done on a guitar or bass using a capo or spider capo that is impossible with standard tuning and playing.

A spider capo, for instance, may be used to tune a bass to the notes of a Cminadd9 chord, opening up the possibility of creating some interesting music. What I mean is that you can use the capo in any way that inspires you, so there’s no reason you couldn’t also use it for the bass.

5. Helps with your chord playing

Since the bass and guitar are so structurally similar, the same techniques for playing typically open chords in a different position on the bass may be used on the guitar. Use open chords or movable chords with a capo for this purpose.

If you want to make an impact, learn some chords on bass. It’s not something people often do, but when they do it, it may make a big difference. Many groups include bass chords in certain sections of their songs to make them seem more complete. Having a capo would allow you to play more chords on the bass.

If you want even more tips and insights, watch this video called “Playing bass with a… capo?” from the DingwallGuitars YouTube channel.

A video called “Playing bass with a… capo?” from the DingwallGuitars YouTube channel.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Do you still have questions about whether you can use a capo on the bass guitar? Below are some of the most commonly asked questions.

Do capos work on all guitars?

These capos are designed to suit most conventional guitars. But if your guitar has more than eight strings, you may not be able to utilize it. There will be strings that cannot be clamped because the capo is too small.

Can a capo damage my guitar?

The tuning and sound of any acoustic instrument, electronic or otherwise, may be negatively impacted by prolonged use of a capo. Overusing the capo and applying too much force may cause the frets on your guitar to wear out and even cause damage to your instrument’s neck.

Do capos mess up tuning?

An extremely prevalent source of out-of-tune strings is excessive string pressure. Using spring-loaded, elastic, or less expensive capos applies excessive pressure to the strings, causing them to stretch and go out of tune. As the capo presses the strings down against the fretboard, the thicker ones tend to take the most damage.

Do professionals use capos?

The usage of a capo is common among skilled guitarists, particularly with acoustic instruments. However, some professional musicians, particularly lead guitarists, may choose to forego the use of a capo because of personal taste. A capo is used by many professional guitarists while writing and recording music.


So there you have it, folks! Using a capo on the bass guitar is definitely possible and can even open up new tonal possibilities for your playing. Just remember to use it sparingly and never at the expense of your signature bass groove. And as they say in the music world, keep on plucking!

So, do you usually use a capo on your bass guitar? And did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below (I read and reply to every comment). If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend, and check out my full blog for more tips and tricks on music production. Thanks for reading, and never stop making music.

Key takeaways

This article covered whether you can use a capo on the bass guitar. Here are some key takeaways:

  • A capo is a device that is attached to the neck of a guitar at a specific fret.
  • To use a capo, the guitarist simply places it on the neck of the guitar at the desired fret and then tightens the capo in place using a clamp or other mechanism.
  • Although capos are primarily used on guitars, they can also be used on bass guitars.
  • The major reason for this is that bassists seldom, if ever, employ chords in their playing, and a capo is generally used to transpose open string chords up to other key signatures so that beginners may play simple chords in different keys.

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Image Andrew Ash
Written by Andrew Ash, Staff Writer

Hey there! My name is Andrew, and I'm relatively new to music production, but I've been learning a ton, and documenting my journey along the way. That's why I started this blog. If you want to improve your home studio setup and learn more along with me, this is the place for you!

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1 thought on “Can You Use a Capo on the Bass Guitar? (The Truth)<h2 class="post-excerpt">Do you want to play your bass guitar in a different way? In this article, we will teach you how to use a capo on the bass guitar to achieve different sounds.</h2>”

  1. Well. The use of a capo in general is well explained above. Thank you. However, on bass, I’ve been using the technique for almost 10-15 years, on a 4 stringed bass tuned to BEAD tuning. Especially on a fanned fret bass, the B-string sounds good still above the 12th fret. So what gives? Well a capo on 5th fret on a BEAD tuned bass will let it be in standard EADG tuning. Nothing to write home about. It sounds NOT like a short scale bass, but about the same as a regular bass tuned EADG.

    Now, whenever having to play Hendrix/SRV/ brass section tunes I JUST MOVE THE CAPO DOWN ONE FRET and plays in open Eb tuning. No need to retune. Drop D? Move another fret down, and so on. So I use the capo for DOWNTUNING only, instead of actually downtuning. If I want to play metal, and a low B string I jut clip it on headstock. I e I rarely or never put the capo on 6th fret.

    Advantages to this, is that the action turns a smidge lower and you can pop, slap, thumb, a bit faster since dampening of the strings occurs quicker up there. And the reach of the fingers isn’t a severe up there, since it’s a fan fret bass.

    Disadvantages: Well I’ve mislaid/forgot my capo several times, and I do know how to play everything anyway, without that capo. And as it seems to be viewed as a crutch sometimes, so are the fret dot markers too, so a disadvantage is that you have to learn to NOT look down at the frets and fret markers to guide you. But so it is on guitars with capos on as well.


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